9. Investment Strategy and Roadmap

9.1 Quarterly Roadmap and Milestones

The Comcrica Token (CCT) roadmap outlines strategic milestones aimed at enhancing platform functionality, expanding user engagement, and driving growth. This roadmap serves as a transparent guide for investors, detailing the implementation of key features and services over the next year.

9.2 Short-Term Goals (0-6 months)

  • Platform Launch: Successfully launch the Comcrica platform and initiate user onboarding.

  • Token Distribution: Conduct a public token sale to facilitate CCT distribution and raise capital for development.

  • Initial Partnerships: Establish strategic partnerships with blockchain projects to kickstart token launches and investment opportunities.

9.3 Long-Term Vision (6-12 months)

  • Service Expansion: Broaden the range of investment products and services offered on the platform, based on community feedback and market trends.

  • Enhanced Community Engagement: Implement governance features that empower CCT holders to participate in decision-making processes.

  • Operational Scalability: Invest in technology and infrastructure to support increased user activity and project offerings, ensuring platform reliability and security.

Last updated